Monday, May 4, 2009


What is Vida Verde?

Vida Verde Intro from Katerina Voutsina on Vimeo.

Vida Verde is a women's association (a cooperativa in Brazilian) which offers "green" cleaning services to individual customers and businesses in the Boston area. The members of the Co-op, are Brazilian housecleaners, who switched to "green" housecleaning from that involving toxic cleaning products.

Helen Sinzker, coordinator of the Co-op says that "many Brazilian housecleaners suffer from skin infections and breathing problems." She adds that many of their current members also chose to join the Co-op because they wanted to protect their working rights. "They were exploited," says Sinzker "while working long hours for private cleaning crews. They were paid $20 dollars per day after having worked long hours and cleaned an average of 9 houses."


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